Medley Minute with Fr Sam
A Roman Catholic Priest Shares a Moment
Monday, December 31, 2018
Happy Solemnity of the Holy Family! May you experience the care and protection of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph in the New Year!
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Sunday, December 30, 2018
Look who i found in Texas! My parents! Yeehaw! 🎵On the fifth day of Christmas God’s love gave to me: my mom-meeeb and my dad-deeeee🎵 #WinterTexans #parents
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Friday, December 28, 2018
Missionary tip: once a year take all your excess clothes and donate to the poor. For me, if I can’t fit everything I own in a suite case or a few loads of laundry I’ve got too much. Also it is good to buy new underwear, undershirts, and socks both for hygiene and if you’ve changed sizes. Thank you to all who helped me purchased my new clothes. A rich young man went to St Mother Teresa of Calcutta and said that he wanted to learn how to pray. She replied, “Get rid of your things. You own too much.” He said, “Maybe you didn’t hear me, I didn’t ask you about lifestyle but about how to pray.” She said, “I heard you. You have to many things. When you go to pray, they weigh you down. Get rid of all your stuff and then your heart will be lighter and easier liftvup to Heaven.”
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Thursday, December 27, 2018
On the third day of Christmas, God’s love have to me, a really awesome breakfast!!!!
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You love Christmas, but hate family tension? Yep, it’s great to see each other again, especially on a such joyful occasion, however these times also may be accompanied by family arguments, truculent teens, grouchy grandmas, upset uncles, or entangling in-laws. At such a time as Christmas I like to see these moments as just an invitation to remember what it’s really about - love. You can think of these tense moments like a shovel to dig deeper into the roots of Charity. Sometimes it’s just staggering how much love is required. Are you being forced to be patient, to forgive, to be gentle, show compassion? The only place patience comes from, the source and font of strength to look past a person’s weird woibles is Charity. You’re just being asked to love. You might not resolve an argument, get closure, or find reconciliation with certain family members and that’s ok as long as you can love them. We are only allowed a certain level of reconciliation with person as that relationship allows, but you MUST love them. You MUST forgive. If you don’t your heart will be poisoned, your attitude infected, and your vision clouded from what it’s all really about. Helpful hints: -Pray, ask God for a big old dose of his love to flood you -Vitamin D, distance, is sometimes the only way you might be able to get along with certain people# -Pray, ask Our Lady for help. She faced lots of family tension with a Messiah Son. She knows. -Do something constructive that allows you to bond without having to talk about unresolved/unresolvable issues like a game or movie or something humorous. -Pray -Say the things they really need to here, things that will actually and truly help them. -Pray -Recognize but don’t react to toxic behavior, wave the bull fighting flag to change the tone to one of concord from conceit, humility from huff, peace from perplexity. -Choose joy. Choose peace. Choose Charity
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When someone from my community has a red eye flight, I love celebrating stupid-o’clock-early Mass for them. Waking up before the world does has a certain silent sacredness. God’s voice seems to be heard a little louder at this time. May the Word Incarnate speak his words of life, merciful kindness, and holy joy to your soul+
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Merry Christmas! Today is the third day of Christmas. Soak in the joy and peace of the Savior born for us.
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I am an official Texan: steel toed cowboy work boots, probably most comfortable fit I’ve ever had.
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Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Lost loved ones, broken hearts, disappointments, traumatic losses, pains that just plague the heart - these are the things which are a cause for making Christmas, a time normally of great joy, a time of tears and sorrow for those who have known great pain. “Be kind, for everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about” is to be taken a lot more seriously in this time. Shiny lights at dusk, sugar cookies, beautiful decorations, flowers, songs of joy and celebration, movies and stories of peace on earth and good will toward men - these all become occasions of acute bitterness and piercing pangs of woe for those who know that this time is supposed to bring joy, hope, love, and peace, to taste only bitterness, feel only loneliness, experience more emptiness than normal. All year we busy ourselves with projects, goals for school, plans for work, and constant movement. Then Christmas comes and all is still. There is time to stop and listen. If you listen with your heart, you can see on the faces on many a kind of dread, a map of their loss. These are the people for whom is reserved God’s special graces and mercies. In some privileged years at Christmas I have found myself in prisons, orphanages, hospices, and homes where these hurting people are trying to rejoice, but their celebrations are marked with profound awareness that all is not merry and fine. Today I am celebrating Christmas in a rehabilitation hospital. Here in a particular way, the prophecy of Isaiah is proclaimed, “that the lame may walk.” In prisons they hear, “that captives may be set free,” in homeless shelters, “that the poor have the Gospel of God proclaimed to them.” Yet most of the people right next to you are not so obvious. They struggle and put on a good face, but in their hearts they aching to hear once again the good news, GOD IS WITH US, he has not forgotten your sorrow, he heals the broken hearted. So as you open presents, sing songs, make merry, remember that Mary and Joseph also endured at this time great rejection, cold, and didn’t really understand why the Savior was to be born in a cave. Each person has a cave, a hole in their hearts, longing to be filled with God’s love.
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Tuesday, December 25, 2018
The face of the Newborn Christ Infant Have you ever seen a newborn infant? - Their face so small, skin so soft, fingers so tiny, little eyes seeking, mouth so hungry, their fragile body so vulnerable and poor? This is God. He became poor to make us rich. He became weak that we might be strong. He chose to show us the real face of love. Love is poor. It does not put on heirs. It has no vanity nor decoration nor masks. It cannot manipulate nor hide. Love is needy, demanding, dependent. Love is delicate. It can be lost if not cared for, it can be dropped if not held just right, yet it is not afraid to be vulnerable or accessible. It is said that at the moment of Christ’s birth there was a blast of searing light. The Creator, God from God, Light from Light, the Most Holy One, was visiting us, born in the dark of midnight, yet he chose to be clothed in the frailty of our human visage, almighty power teetering in terrible tenderness. Have you ever held a newborn? Hold Jesus. Mary invites you. “Would you like to hold my baby?” Hold him! Care for him! Do not take his grace for granted, nor presume you that the life of divine grace will just hang around without your constant attention, reverence, and devotion. Feed the presence of God in your life. Remember to pray. Stop. Listen. Be careful not to lose it, to drop it, to forget to care for the life of God within you. Nourish it with meditating on the Word of Life of the Scriptures and feeding on the Bread of Life, the Most Holy Eucharist. Rejoice that God is born to you today and always. GOD IS WITH US, a Savior is born for us, just remember to take care not only today, but every day, that His life may grow and come to full stature within you.
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Monday, December 24, 2018
Happy 31st Sacerdotal Anniversary Fr James Farfaglia! Tu es Sacerdos In Æternum!
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Wednesday, December 19, 2018
What? #spritualganster #priestswag #youtalkintome
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Thursday, December 13, 2018
As soon as my interior voice gets crabby or uncharitable I “press the clutch,” i.e. disengage or don’t react to my feelings, ignore myself, or Jesus said, “deny my very self” Mt 16:24. Then I ask God for the courage to humble myself beneath these thoughts and they wash away. If they remain I’m pretty sure I need to humble myself deeper. I might have to pray through them until my heart has the humility to remember these thoughts are NOT truth. They are only a fruit of sinfulness and pride. Then I wait for Charity, for benevolence to show up in my mind again. When it does, that is when I can move, speak, work, or relate to others in a way that will actually help them. I suppose this is true for any kind of sinful thought: pride, undue judgment, irrational anger, lust, pusillanimous greed, schmall mindedness, etc. May God deliver us and make us holy. Come Lord Jesus and do not delay. Make straight his paths!
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Wednesday, December 12, 2018
And the Woman of Tepeyac said,”¿No estoy aquí yo, que soy tu Madre? ¿No estás bajo mi sombra y resguardo? ¿No soy yo la fuente de tu alegría? ¿No estás en el hueco de mi manto, en donde se cruzan mis brazos? ¿Tienes necesidad de alguna otra cosa?”
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Tuesday, December 11, 2018
It Snowed Last Night.. 8:00 am: I made a snowman. 8:10 - A feminist passed by and asked me why I didn't make a snow woman. 8:15 - So, I made a snow woman. 8:17 - My feminist neighbor complained about the snow woman's chest saying it objectified snow women everywhere. 8:20 - The gay couple living nearby threw a hissy fit and moaned it could have been two snow men instead. 8:22 - The transgender man..women...person asked why I didn't just make one snow person with detachable parts. 8:25 - The vegans at the end of the lane complained about the carrot nose, as veggies are food and not to decorate snow figures with. 8:28 - I was being called a racist because the snow couple is white. 8:30 - I used food coloring to make one of the snow couple a different color and be more racially inclusive. 8:37 - Accused of using black face on the snowman...snowpersons. 8:39 - The middle eastern gent across the road demanded the snow woman be covered up . 8:40 - The police arrived saying someone had been offended. 8:42 - The feminist neighbor complained again that the broomstick of the snow woman needed to be removed because it depicted women in a domestic role. 8:43 - The council equality officer arrived and threatened me with eviction. 8:45 - TV news crew from ABC showed up. I was asked if I know the difference between snowmen and snow-women? I replied "Snowballs" and am now called a sexist. 9:00 - I was on the news as a suspected terrorist, racist, homophobe, and sensibility offender, bent on stirring up trouble during difficult weather. 9:10 - I was asked if I have any accomplices. My children were taken by social services. 9:29 - Far left protesters offended by everything marched down the street demanding for me to be arrested. 9:45 - The boss called and fired me because of the negative association with work that had been all over social media. 10:00 - I cry into my drink because all I wanted to do was build a snowman... Moral: There is no moral to this story. It is what this world has become because of a bunch of snowflakes....
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Friday, December 7, 2018
Today I heard confessions of women in county jail. There was one lady who was the spitting image of a person I know from the same city. This person was valedictorian of her high school class, has a masters degree from a prominent university, and is very morally upright, exceptional you might say. When I first saw her I was astonished. She had the same tone of voice, similar expressions, and almost exactly the same face. In disbelief i asked her name. Although it was an entirely different person, I couldn’t help thinking that this could easily be another version of the same person, who wasn’t given the same gifts of a supportive family, loving friendships, and an excellent education, or maybe she was given a similar kind of upbringing, but just made very bad choices. Nonetheless, there is no reason why that could not be any woman. We are all sinners, and we could have each easily ended up in a similar situation. As St Augustine said, “there but for the grace of God go I.” So thank God greatly for your life, your freedom, and the capacity to choose what is right. Repent, beg his forgiveness for your sins, seeking reconciliation and full accountability before him. For the more we take ownership of our actions, the freer we become even if we would be locked in a jail. Please pray with me now for all inmates, and pray for ministers to share the gospel of liberty with them. “I was in prison, and you visited me.” Mt 25:36
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Tuesday, December 4, 2018
There was a sixteen year old girl who was a passenger in the SUV that ran over a 70 year old woman trying to cross a high-speed freeway. She immediately ran over to the lady thinking she could do CPR because she is certified but saw that she would not be able to. Shortly after another stranger stopped, a mother of teens herself, and ran to her for help while the other 16 year old who was driving called 911. The teen said to the lady “do you pray? I want to pray for this woman. Will you pray with me” And the lady said “no I don’t pray but I will pray with with you” so Hannah began saying a Hail Mary, Memorare and Our Father. The lady held her hand though she only knew the words to the our father. It is amazing how each of these people acted in the face of this accident. The girl prayed, the boy called 911, the lady comforted the old woman like a mother and even called the parents of the teen to tell them what happened until the police arrived. Words can not express how proud am of this young woman. I’ve known her since she was 6, was there when she learned about her faith and how to pray, and have accompanied her family over the years. These are the defining moments of life, when amidst the trauma and accidents arise, heroism is born and the goodness of being fully human shines forth. Please pray for the repose of the soul of the woman and for the teens. They need strength to face surviving this horrible event, which will certainly effect them the rest of their lives but they can be peaceful and forever grateful about how they reacted in this moment.
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Sunday, December 2, 2018
Deacon Dad and Father Son
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Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Friend: You ready for Christmas? Me: I’m ready for Advent. Advent will get me ready for Christmas.
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A city is like an old friend. You get to know it, it’s streets and corners, it’s buildings and bends, it’s restaurants and haunts, and it begins to grow on you, and somehow becomes a part of you, your home. I think of all the cities I’ve lived in or frequented and realize they make up a part of who I am. I am part London, Manila, Milwaukee, I’ll never not feel like a Nageño, Minneapolitan, or Roman. I will never get Hythe, Annandale, or Saigon out of my blood. Yet in all these, even my beloved home now of Corpus Christi, I still always answer the question, “Where are you from?” with “From Heaven!” because though a place can make me feel at home for a while, I am only passing through to my final destination. We are made for eternal life! I can’t wait to get there. Hope to see you there+ #CorpusChristi #Manila #London #NagaCity #Minneapolis #AnnandaleMN #Saigon #Rome #Milwaukee #HytheKentUK
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Monday, November 26, 2018
Judas betrayed Jesus. Peter denied him. Since the beginning God was clear about not putting our trust in feeble men, even apostles or bishops, and thankfully proclaimed this part of the good news. The first Pope sinned horribly then repented. One of the twelve arrested him. Why in the world get side tracked for a moment by the behavior of bishops? I do not follow Jesus for them or for any man yet I accept the hierarchical structure instituted by Christ when he created the twelve as a means of governance. I see their successors in light of what Christ willed to reveal to us in the primordial sinfulness of the Church and the deeper mystery of Mercy working through it all. The good news is that in the face of our infidelity God is He who is Faithful and True. Don’t get sidetracked, disturbed, or discouraged. I’ve worked with amazing bishops and horrible bishops on three different continents and probably 30 different diocese. Sure I rejoice when I encounter a courageous or wise bishop as I mourn when I meet a coward or careerist. Yet frankly I really honestly don’t waste any time thinking about them and if I do whatever good or ill I encounter only propels me to Jesus Christ. What do I think about? The immense and towering work of proclaiming the Gospel in season and out of season to every living person in this world, remembering that part of that proclamation is that despite man’s weaknesses God still saves us. God loves this sinful Church and calls us to holiness in the midst of all sin and darkness. Remember that. Remember that the next time you are tempted to add to the noise, the doubt, the fear, the rage, the enormous gaping black hole that wants to suck everything into its oblivion of meaningless suffering and loss. Please please please try to remember that in the end it is all about charity and a huge part of growth in charity is enduring the lack of charity even within the Church. Let us pray for greater holiness in the Church, for a clearer proclamation of the saving truth of the Gospel and let us pray again and again and again for our bishops. Our Father...Hail Mary...Glory Be
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Sunday, November 25, 2018
Que Viva Cristo Rey y La Virgen de Guadalupe! Spending extended time before the blessed Sacrament to honor the King of Kings on one of our community’s principle feast days.
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Thursday, November 22, 2018
Happy Thanksgiving! Join us for Holy Mass at noon at Our Lady of Corpus Christi. God’s abundant blessings to you and your loved ones+
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THE MALE EGO Having a male ego, or sense of self and one’s capacities, is not evil. Appropriate hubris, or a certain magnanimity, is necessary to accomplish difficult things. A captain of a ship or plane, an athlete winning a match, a doctor saving a life, all need a very sense of their own personhood to do what must be done. Having a “male ego” is not evil if one uses it to provide, protect, guard, and guide people toward the common good. Jesus had a male ego with which he had plow through the depths of all human sinfulness to accomplish our redemption. Egotism, or a self-centered fixation on one’s self and capacities IS evil. It is a corruption of what masculinity and personhood’s certain dignity is for. Because it is a kind vile insecurity, a cowardice in being self-absorbed, a vain self-concern, it is rightly thought of as one of biggest problems of this world. Many people have been wounded by male egotism, and therefore react to try emasculate or demand the stripping of confidence and leadership in men. This particularly true for children of fathers who didn’t use their authority to build them up and love them into well adjusted happy grown ups. True humility does not negate a person’s ego, or magnanimous concern to make difficult goods happen. It sees one’s identity and mission as a gift from God to be given generously in service of others. It actually multiplies the fruitfulness of a well tuned male ego in communion, service, justice, and goodness for many people. False humility is the annihilation of any kind authority, leadership, or headship of men because of a fear of misusing that authority. Unfortunately there are few real men around to mentor other men in Christian manhood. Effeminacy, cloaked in “deference” or “toleration” or “humility” is the cause of great evils being permitted by a lack of good men standing up against it. Let us pray for real men and real leaders to heed the call to stand in the gap of where this world is and where it needs to go: the care of the weakest and most vulnerable members of society, the protection of a just order in society, and the battle against the evils that rage against human dignity and fairness.
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Sunday, November 18, 2018
Who is that inundating terribly tender Maternal Presence who intercedes for the whole world, whose Immaculate Heart and arms are always open to you, sees you, knows you, and loves you like God loves you? It is your Mother Mary, the Immaculate One, who always brings you closer to Jesus Christ, the Eucharistic Savior. “Madonna and Child” by Jason Jenicke at LordsArt
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Saturday, November 17, 2018
I have no humility, no faith, I do not know how to love, and I do not know how to pray as I ought, but thanks be to Jesus Christ whose humility washes me, who is my faith, and whose prayer I offer to the Father.
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Friday’s silence: mystically listening at Calvary to the sound of Jesus offering himself in the Eucharist for sins.
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Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Birthright fundraiser: Thursday, November 15th at Our Lady of Corpus Christi. Come and support life!
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Saturday, November 3, 2018
As evening fades...
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Catechism of the Catholic Church 2143 Among all the words of Revelation, there is one which is unique: the revealed name of God. God confides his name to those who believe in him; he reveals himself to them in his personal mystery. The gift of a name belongs to the order of trust and intimacy. "The Lord's name is holy." For this reason man must not abuse it. He must keep it in mind in silent, loving adoration. He will not introduce it into his own speech except to bless, praise, and glorify it.
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“Every man, particularly today, must come to a mature acceptance and understanding of what it means to be a man. This may seem obvious, but in our world, there are many distorted images and much evidence of confusion regarding what is true masculinity. “We can say that for the first time in history, people have become either so confused or so arrogant as to attempt to dictate their masculinity or femininity according to their own definitions. “At one striking moment of Jesus’ trial, Pontius Pilate, with all his worldly power, presented Jesus to the crowd with the words, Ecce homo – Latin meaning “Here is the man!” Thinking he was merely pointing to a man from Nazareth, he failed to recognize that he was pointing to God made man – the Word made flesh, Jesus of Nazareth – who at once is fully God and fully man, and the perfection of masculinity. “Every moment of his life on earth is a revelation of the mystery of what it means to be man – that is, to be fully human and also, the model of masculinity.” -Into the Breach: An Apostolic Exhortation from Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted to the Men of the Diocese of Phoenix
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Thursday, November 1, 2018
Priestly holiness is summed up in the words that most define a priest of Jesus Christ, “This is My Body, which will be given up for you” because a priest offers himself in union with Christ. He says the words not only in persona Christi but also in propria persona sua, i.e. on behalf of his own person and his own joining of the sacrifice of his own life to life of Christ. This is my body and all, soul and humanity, offered in union with the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus truly present in the Most Holy Eucharist. This is my body. This is my life. This is my time and energy, my attention and reverence for each person that comes across my path, recognizing my sole purpose is to bring you to God and bring God to you. A great Saint of our times, St Mother Teresa of Calcutta, said of priestly holiness: “it’s a duty for a priest to be holy because he comes in such close contact with Jesus. How holy his words must be, how holy his life must be, how holy his touch must be, if he has to be that living sacrifice on the altar.” On this All Saints Day, let us pause and pray that God raise up for the Church holy priests. Our Father...Hail Mary...Glory Be...
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A Saint is a sinner who keeps trying. -St Josemaria Escrivá
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Tuesday, October 30, 2018
I voted early!
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Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Le Turkish covfefe! #turkishcoffee
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You haven’t lived until you’ve had a Turkish breakfast! With this view of the Med!
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Friday, October 19, 2018
The whole reason I came to Europe: to celebrate the nuptial Mass of this lovely couple, starting a new chapter in their lives. Thanks for bringing me to your wedding! I am so grateful! They get married Tuesday. Please pray for them+++
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Wednesday, October 17, 2018
There’s something awesome in Denmark.
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Thursday, October 11, 2018
Priest spotted in local parking lot hearing confessions of young pilgrims leaving soon a journey! I think I’ve heard confessions everywhere, on train, bus, subway, car, treehouse, home, hospital, prison, street corner, crowded mall, and why? All to make Christ available in whatever human experience people find themselves needing reconciliation with God. #HeWaitsForYou #GoToConfession #BeNotAfraid #MercyIsEverywhere #PriestlyAvailabilityIsZeal #ZealisLove
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Tuesday, October 2, 2018
When the Mass is being celebrated, the sanctuary is filled with countless angels, who adore the Divine Victim immolated on the altar. When you are before the altar where Christ reposes, you ought no longer to think that you are amongst men; but believe that there are troops of angels and archangels standing by you, and trembling with respect before the sovereign Master of Heaven and earth. Therefore, when you are in church, be there in silence, fear, and veneration. -St John Chrysostom
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DOING LITTLE THINGS WITH GREAT LOVE When she was little, St Thérèse’s parents took her in an elevator in Paris. She marveled at how, with such great ease, a person could rise such heights so quickly. In her journal she wrote: "I wanted to find an elevator which would raise me to Jesus, for I am too small to climb the rough stairway of perfection. I searched then in the Scriptures for some sign of this elevator, the object of my desires and I read these words coming from the mouth of Eternal Wisdom: 'Whoever is a little one let him come to me.' The elevator which must raise me to heaven is your arms, O Jesus, and for this I have no need to grow up, but rather I have to remain little and become this more and more.” Just as the smallest child is the one the Father picks up in his arms, St Thérèse strove to do the littlest things with the greatest love. She said, “Miss no single opportunity of making some small sacrifice, here by a smiling look, there by a kindly word; always doing the smallest right and doing it all for love.” Even prayer for her was simple and childlike: “For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy.” So is holiness: “Holiness consists simply in doing God's will, and being just what God wants us to be.” Let us pray, that like St Thérèse, we can be little trusting children of God: Our Father....Hail Mary...Glory Be Come with me on retreat:
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Sunday, September 30, 2018
October is the Month of the Holy Rosary Pray the holy rosary every day this month to ask Our Lady to intercede for humanity and the Church. The greatest thing you can do to change history the fastest, surest, and most powerful is to pray. The holy rosary is a school of prayer, where you pray the Gospel, you meditate on the life, death, and glorious Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Pope Francis is asking the faithful to pray the St Michael prayer, the Sub Tuum Praesidium prayer, and the rosary every day in “the Marian month of October” to deliver us from “the devil’s turbulence.” Pope Francis is “asking the faithful of the whole world to pray so that the Mother of God puts the Church under her protective mantle to preserve her from the attacks of the evil one, the great accuser, and to make [the Church] all the more conscious of the faults, the mistakes, the abuses made in the present and in the past, and more committed to fighting without any hesitation for evil not to prevail.”
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Saint Michael Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
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Friday, September 28, 2018
Lord, please give me a sign.
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Monday, September 24, 2018
A priest was celebrating his 60th anniversary. I knelt down and said, "Father, I really need your blessing." When I opened my eyes after it was done he was kneeling next to me and said, "Now Father, I really need your blessing." I did not ask him how he stayed faithful for 60 years, for someone who humbled himself like that already gave the answer. To say Yes to God and to keep it - humility is the answer to faithful committed love.
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Sunday, September 23, 2018
There are days and then there are days. #patiencewinsall #everychallengeanoportunity #stuckinthemud
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What? You thought you didn’t have to get dirty to clean up this world? Who’s willing to roll up their sleeves and get in the trenches with me?
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Thursday, September 20, 2018
Do you see this woman? When I entered your house, you did not give me water for my feet, but she has bathed them with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You did not give me a kiss, but she has not ceased kissing my feet since the time I entered. You did not anoint my head with oil, but she anointed my feet with ointment. So I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven; hence, she has shown great love. But the one to whom little is forgiven, loves little.” He said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.” The others at table said to themselves, “Who is this who even forgives sins?” But he said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” Who are you? Which kind of person? Do you sit comfortably before God telling him all your accomplishments, ignoring your many faults, accusing others for their problems, pointing out all your virtues and good deeds, forgetting that his vision pierces through sinew and bone, the same Lord for whom every good grace and action HE ALONE can take glory, and therefore cement yourself in self-justifying hypocrisy, all the while blaming God and everyone else for yours and the world’s wickedness??? OR Are you the one who sees yourself beneath his unfathomable light and inscrutable decrees and recognize the vanity and egotism beneath all your best intentions, replying as the only real response in the face of his perfections, to weep and wash the dust from his toes with your tears, drying them with the hair of your natural gifts which he himself bestowed on you, and anoint him with the oil of humble contrite heart???? Pray now with me the prayer of clarity: “Have Mercy on me God in your kindness, in your compassion wipe out my offense, O wash me more and more from my guilt, and cleanse me from all my sin!” "The prayer of an humble soul at once penetrates the heavens and presents itself before the throne of God. However sinful such a soul may be, God can never despise a heart that repents of its sins, and humbles itself: A contrite and humbled heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise." -St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori Come on retreat to begin to see God and yourself clearly.
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Sunday, September 16, 2018
Bringing Christ to feed the poor at a Eucharistic healing service and procession at our Grounded in Truth evening of adoration and confession. #JesusHeals #VeniteAdoremus #ChristusVincit #ourladyofcorpuschristi Join us on retreat
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Friday, September 14, 2018
How many priests does it take to change a lightbulb? One. Me.
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