Sunday, December 6, 2015

Just because you like seeing an Advent fiddleback vestment during the Novena Mass for the Immaculate Conception. #CatholicSwag #BellsAndSmells

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St Nicholas, feast day today, punched Arius the arch heretic when he said Jesus wasn't God. You better watch out. You better not cry. You better not pout. I'm telling you why. Santa Claus (St Nicholas of Myra heretic smasher) is coming to town.

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Missionary Priesthood: I found I wasn't going to be satisfied with the normal lot - a wife, kids, house, and job. I wanted more, but was it more stuff, experiences, and money? No. I wanted more fullness, more love. Soon, as anyone discovers, I found out the only way to have more was to give more. I wanted to give my life. Answering the call to priesthood was the beginning, desiring more fruitfulness, more love for more people, even to the ends of the earth as a missionary, and to the ends of humanity serving those in greatest need. The only way the insatiable appetite for love of the human heart is to give every breath, every heartbeat, every ounce of strength, even every drop of blood - one's whole life - over to love. "Whoever loses their life for me will find it" Mt 16:25.

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It's not easy to love. It means you have to be responsible, to care for the other person, to place yourself at their service, to feel their pain, accept their worries as your own, to be vulnerable. To love the poor and afflicted means that you share their affliction, you co-miserate, you suffer with them. This why a person will only learn to love unconditionally and wholeheartedly, unless they first permit God to love them wholeheartedly and unconditionally. Once they do this, it simply an overflowing of love, like a cup held under the flow of Niagara Falls.

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