Giving up for Lent? You certainly will give up if you attempt something that is too difficult. Don’t hate thyself. You don’t go into the gym after staying away for a while and attempt to lift some weight too heavy you never could lift before. You would injure yourself and have to recover and would be discouraged in the future to get in shape. Out of guilt some people line up big and heavy penances for Lent, things they might not really be ready for, and then when they fail because it was too much to begin with, they feel a failure and more guilty when they started. Instead I find it is better to look at your state in life at what you should be doing anyway and to do it if it is close enough for you to try. Like a physical weight your body can lift while still being a challenge, spiritually this will not only make you stronger but be an encouragement because of the little victories you will have. This way you’re planning not only to succeed incrementally but permanently change your habits. Good pointers for penances that could permanently change you? Be S.M.A.R.T. Make sure it is: S - specific - don’t say you’ll “give up negativity” or “be holier” for Lent. What exact practices are you going to do? M - measurable - how many more minutes will you pray? How many acts of kindness will you do for your family? A - attainable - don’t attempt something you can’t do. Be realistic about what you’re capable of. If you’ve never been able to do it before there might be a step in between point A and C that you are missing - B. R - relevant - it should be something that helps you be a better you, not turn a businessman into a monk, not take you away from charity toward your family but enkindle it. If you are committing habitual sin you shouldn’t focus on something else but stop what you shouldn’t be doing anyway. T - time sensitive - daily, weekly, monthly, at least once during Lent (like confession) etc. putting a time limit on it makes you accountable.
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