Medley Minute with Fr Sam
A Roman Catholic Priest Shares a Moment
Friday, January 27, 2017
HOPE. It's not on you. It's not your own power, your gifts, your smarts, wits, charm, experience, cunning, abilities, or anything centered in you. At all. It's on God, centered in Him. So stop thinking you've gotta figure it all out, know the plan, understand the details or even the essentials. Hope is - God loves you, He is good, and He is going to look after you. So trust Him. Let Him pull you up. Give Him permission to lead you. Follow, let go, then hope in God and do not worry.
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Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Couldn't leave England without having a full English breakfast. #ThanksBeToGod #GodIsInTheFood #BlackPudding
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Friday, January 20, 2017
Horseback on the beach #nofilter
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Thursday, January 19, 2017
I love my parents. Especially when they're sleeping like babies. #FallAsleepInFrontOfTheTV #Lullaby #SweetOldAge #HappySlumber #VisionsOfSugarPlums #GaveAPriestlyBlessingUponGentlySleepingParents
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Tuesday, January 17, 2017
I don't get upset with Hollywood, with the spin of the "news," or the haters, because I don't want them to have any power over me or influence me with the big brainwash bonanza they do. I think they want to be worshiped or something. I just ignore them altogether and disengage. I am much happier engaging in God and in real people's lives and I find real and life it's consuming joy is out there ready to be lived.
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Sunday, January 15, 2017
I find it is a good practice to plant rose bush gardens in honor of Our Lady.
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Thursday, January 12, 2017
Are my parents becoming snowbird winter Texans?
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Saturday, January 7, 2017
Look who popped in from England for a spot of tea! #JollyGood #Brilliant #Lovely
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