Medley Minute with Fr Sam
A Roman Catholic Priest Shares a Moment
Thursday, March 31, 2016
This. Is a man's rosary. The parts were bought at a local hardware store. It's not going to fall apart in your pocket and besides knocking the devil down on his back you can use it to pull your truck out of the mud. -Br Danny Tozzi
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Monday, March 28, 2016
In the face of the death of Fr Flanagan, SOLT Founder, it is quite different than any other I have known. It is different to mourn the loss of a founder. The human twinge of pain of separation, the sorrow in the face of death, the bitterness of loss: these are mightily consumed and overshadowed, not only by his deeds, the way he lived and loved, but also that he gave something uniquely beautiful and holy to the Church as being the instrument of gifting a charism, or new way of answering the ancient call to holiness. There is mighty purpose in his death, a new mission, the opening of a new chapter. Through the lenses of tears of sorrowful joy, a new dawn arises, and I am mightily inspired by its light to become a saint, to answer the call to holiness in the pattern of the life and death and mission of Fr James Flanagan. It's hard to describe. I am more than proud to be a SOLT priest. I am called and inspired newly today to become a SOLT Saint.
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Back in the USA...
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Monday, March 21, 2016
Today is a day of great Mercy for me: hearing confessions for about 7 hours in 5 different locations. Days like this are the ones I feel most deeply blessed to a priest. Just finished confessing the Friars of the Immaculate at this confessional. #GoToConfession #MercifulLikeTheFather #YearOfMercy
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Offer to Jesus your inmost heart. For by His offering you his inmost heart he has restored your dignity and washed your sins away: "Mary took a liter of costly perfumed oil made from genuine aromatic nard and anointed the feet of Jesus and dried them with her hair; the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil."
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Sunday, March 20, 2016
The way of the Cross teaches us this, that because Jesus fell crushed under the weight of the burden of our sins many many times, there is no excuse for us to think we cannot get back up again and start anew. Love always gives hope for a new start. He also teaches us that His Love bears all things. It's so simple and easy. Start new. NOW. Repent and believe God loves you as you are so that you might become who He created you to be. #GoToConfession #RepentAndBelieveInTheGospel #HopeSpringsEternal
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Palms. Palms. Palms Everywhere! Praying so much that the people will not just wave their palms honoring him with their lips and say, "Jesus is our King," only later to deny him in their actions of sin shouting, "Crucify Him!" #HappyPalmSunday #KeepItReal #HosannaToTheSonOfDavid #HonorGodWithYourWholeLife
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Jazzy Chinese vestment in the Chinese-Filipino Church, or the usual? Methinks I'll stick with the usual.
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Thursday, March 17, 2016
Confessions at Naga Parochial School 150 6th graders experience God's mercy and grace. #MercifulLikeTheFather #LoveHealsSin
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Logic Final: God have mercy on them. Hopefully they have become logical men. #FuturePriests #Finals #Logic #RichardConnelWouldBeProud
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Monday, March 14, 2016
Blue Marlin Steak Break! #HealthyBodyAndSoul #GoodDecisions
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Friday, March 11, 2016
Our Lady has never refused me a grave through the recitation of the rosary. -St Pio of Pietrelcina
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Thursday, March 10, 2016
The great whale shark whisperer of Dunsol, the pioneer of human interaction with the gentle giants, Manoy Asir Príncipe, Jr (Jhun), died as he lived, on a boat in the sea. May the whale sharks salute him as his soul leaves earth, may angels welcome him into paradise. RIP+
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It's not difficult figuring out how to discipline your body, your words, your heart in Lent. What is difficult is wanting to do it. Once you have the desire to change, the rest is easy, even fun and creative. So pray that God put before you many reasons to want to change that you can be duly motivated.
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Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Headed to SOLT land in Sorsogon.
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Monday, March 7, 2016
You don't ask someone you love how much you can get away with that they don't like, ignore them while they're talking, or forget to thank them, do you?
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How to make a good confession:
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Sunday, March 6, 2016
Sunday Mass: it's the Kiss of God your Father who waits for you to come home. Get thee to Mass+
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Friday, March 4, 2016
BEAUTY HEALS WOUNDS: This budding flower, once pulverized and placed in a wound, for me a very painful boil, besides instantly giving relief, draws out all the wicked puss and restores the flesh like new. Beauty heals us from the wounds of sin. Let the Beautiful love of God touch you and make you whole and new. #HeCameToHealTheSick #BeNotAfraid #GodsBeautyHeals
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Thursday, March 3, 2016
This is an ambulance. It is also my ride to give teachings, confession, and spiritual direction for the Mother Teresa Sisters. #CanWePleaseTurnOnTheSiren #HeCameToHealTheSick
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