Medley Minute with Fr Sam
A Roman Catholic Priest Shares a Moment
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Happy Fiesta of St Therese here in Sipocot! May St Therese shower you with intercession and favors.
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Tuesday, September 29, 2015
This just happened. #espresso #chocolateicecream together. #HappyDay
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Monday, September 28, 2015
Just because you like seeing a mighty multitude of young #seminarians #KneelingAtPrayer for the #SalvationOfTheWorld on the feast day of #SanLorenzoRuiz
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Saturday, September 26, 2015
The biggest Tilapya I've ever eaten, and the thing was served as if swimming onto my plate!! #FilipinoCuisine #TilapyaAttack #AttackTheTilapya #LifeIsBeautiful #CelebrateFriedTilapya #DontKnockMyHashtags
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Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Mary's Motherhood is not merely biological. Jesus says of her "my mother is the one who hears the Word of the Lord and keeps it." Only 7 chapters earlier in the very same Gospel it was said of her, "Blessed is she who believed the Word of the Lord would be fulfilled." Thus Jesus declares her true Motherhood is spiritual, the very Mother, or bearer, bringer, of God.
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Monday, September 21, 2015
Morning mercies. Coffee. Front "porch". Under a blue palm tree sky. With Our Lady. And coffee.
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Saturday, September 19, 2015
Gardening is hard work? Even more laborious is tending the soil of your soul. It more than just knowing you want to be fruitful, or having some flighty intention of doing right. It is deciding to make the daily, faithful, tough decisions to remove the world's brambles, to weed out sin, to guard against devilish creatures, be vigilant against the pestilence of temptation, to funnel the waters of grace into the right place, and to accept the manure of humble duty, but most importantly to care for charity, which can be like a weak sprout at times easily bent by winds of caprice and scorched by the suffocating heat of the passions. Then, even when enjoying the harvest to be ready to plow away again. Yet in all this the great joy is the you labor with God, and in the enclosed garden of His Love, enjoying the friendship of other laborers who have also been called. #ParableOfTheSewer #ChooseDailyToBeFaithful #EternalHarvestOfCharity
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Friday, September 18, 2015
Made my holy hour in the cathedral adoration chapel. Yes, it is in fact a black light. #NeonGraces #DiscoPrayer
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Things you will not regret when life is through: how much you prayed, loved, and suffered for him. Things that you may regret: sin, missed opportunities, lacking to love. #YOLO #CarpeDiem #GodIsAll
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Thursday, September 17, 2015
His teachings, parables, miracles, actions, and even the Cross and glorious Resurrection do not answer life's questions. They make you ask yourself questions. God loves you. What are you going to do about it? Are you going to deny yourself and follow him? What are you willing to give, to suffer, to love? Your reply in this life will show how much and how deeply you enjoy his love for all eternity or how you spite and reject, and suffer it for eternal shame. You have been asked. Invited. The rest is entirely up to you...
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Seminarian: "What are you going to do today Fr Sam now that the seminarians are gone for a few days?" Me: "Nothing! Well not exactly. Right now I'm going to go back to my bed and lay in it until I've caught up on rest. Then I'm going to veg with Jesus in the chapel the rest of the day and he will show me what I am doing, or not doing."
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Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Unmasked. Who are you? Do you even know? The first time I ever really prayed I remember hearing my real voice for the first time. It wasn't strong, confident, smart, or funny. It was God loves you as you truly are, with no fig leaves, masks, foolish pride or silly games. Set down the weapons. Make it real. Only the love of God, the vulnerable, undecorated, unpolished love that sees into your inmost self and loves you as you truly are. Prayer is simply letting him in. Being real. Watching walk through your walls and reveal the greatest truth about you: YOU ARE LOVEABLE. Not for who you think you should be. Not that body that you think you should have. Not that charming perfect thing you'd like to be -
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This. What encouragement of priests looks like. Got in the mail from a person who is always building me up as a priest. By lifting up someone who lifts up thousands you have lifted us all up. #GodRewardYou #PrayForPriests
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Where I made my holy hour today: Immaculate Conception parish chapel. #PrayingForTheWorld #JMJSaveSouls
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Monday, September 14, 2015
When you hear it your life will never be the same. That's what it was like for that widow of Nain. Jesus said to her, "Do not weep!" It is the moment God, after receiving your tears (Ps 56:8), DRIES THEM. He doesn't just command you to not be sorrowful. Upon receiving holy communion, " the pledge of future glory," He creates in your heart of hearts a hope so powerful you experience a taste of heaven, a slight foreshadowing, of what it will be like to know unending eternal bliss. You forget momentarily all sorrow or the fall or anything wicked and are preoccupied with how loved you are. And all is complete and perfect because you know very soon God will be all in all.
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But first, tea. #IyoBaga #TotooIyan
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Saturday, September 12, 2015
Pilot episode of my new show, "Who's your Ina (Mother)?" went great! It will be replayed 9:45am Central Time in the USA (4:45pm UK). Listen here:
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Friday, September 11, 2015
So you wonder why? Why am I always, at least in my posts, so full of joy, hope, and consolation? It is because, as some of you more perceptive souls have understood, that I am constantly beset by my own weakness, by sorrow, dejection, and yes - utterly and bitterly afflicted by the weight of the sinfulness of the Church. Then in my emptiness and trial - God consoles me mightily. So I simply share what He, in his kindness has given to me. So the next time you ask why I smile so much, or why am I always so happy, understand that it comes with great cost, and be not downcast at the price of your own joy. Try to be happy. Enjoy what goodness God grants you. Life, despite its toil, is beautiful!!!
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Thursday, September 10, 2015
The sun is hot. Very hot. El Niño rages. So we adapt, and in the process get to look like bad-boy ninja assassin cowboys.
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Yes it is what you think it is. More Civet - Cat poop coffee.
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Monday, September 7, 2015
Yep that's right. #Love
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Sr Maria Mercy renewed her vows today at Mass. #ThisLife #MagAwitSaDios #ConsecratedLife
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Sunday, September 6, 2015
The holy happy staff from San Francisco. #MagAwitSaDios #SalamatKagurangnan
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11am Mass today at San Francisco (Bicol): may our Eucharistic encounter with Jesus open our ears to hear the Lord, and our mouths to speak to and about him.
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Saturday, September 5, 2015
Recording the teaser/trailer for my new Marian Apologetics radio show, "Who's Your Ina (Mother)? #AveMaria #RadioCaritasMariae
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Friday, September 4, 2015
In my work today, I was forced to walk through situations that reveal the "old" and corrupted humanity, through tedium and toil, mundanity and profanity, my heart could not help cry out for the new wineskin that has been ripped open to let the new wine flow into my life, the living Heart of Christ that beats for the salvation of this world and his inebriating Spirit. Let the new kingdom come. Happy First Friday!
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Passing by Mt Mayon #ActiveVolcano this morning. #GandaFilipinas
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