
Thursday, December 13, 2018

As soon as my interior voice gets crabby or uncharitable I “press the clutch,” i.e. disengage or don’t react to my feelings, ignore myself, or Jesus said, “deny my very self” Mt 16:24. Then I ask God for the courage to humble myself beneath these thoughts and they wash away. If they remain I’m pretty sure I need to humble myself deeper. I might have to pray through them until my heart has the humility to remember these thoughts are NOT truth. They are only a fruit of sinfulness and pride. Then I wait for Charity, for benevolence to show up in my mind again. When it does, that is when I can move, speak, work, or relate to others in a way that will actually help them. I suppose this is true for any kind of sinful thought: pride, undue judgment, irrational anger, lust, pusillanimous greed, schmall mindedness, etc. May God deliver us and make us holy. Come Lord Jesus and do not delay. Make straight his paths!

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