
Tuesday, October 17, 2017

We have so little contact with what is invincible and unconquerable that all too often we wallow in our weakness and misery when the truth is that the deeper or higher part of our human nature is for overcoming all obstacles, for winning, for not backing down. How I long to see the mighty men and women who despise self pity and are ignorant of accepting defeat or compromise with mediocrity! Where are the warriors, the fighters, the victors who take up the charge to make this world worthy of what we are truly made for - for glory, for noble concord, peace reigning, and the Kingdom of the all holy God? #shakeofftheincompitence #despisetheindignity #fightthefoolery #aimhigh #yearnforperfection #dontsettle #benotafraid #fearisthemindkiller #downwiththecowardice

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