Medley Minute with Fr Sam
A Roman Catholic Priest Shares a Moment
Monday, August 31, 2015
Going to novitiate is like going home, where it all began, where prayers and memories of holy men still seem to linger, where the aroma of holiness awakens the heart to real possibility of becoming a saint, where I hear loudly one command of God pressing upon me with urgency: BE HOLY AS GOD IS HOLY. #HolinessIsTheOnlyRealLifeLivedWell #BeASaint #GodsLoveMoreMagnificentkyManifest
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Uh oh! It's a mangosteen fruit snack attack! #YummyAntioxidants #Superfood
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Sunday, August 30, 2015
This is my body which will be given up for you. #DivineMystery #GodWithUs
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Friday, August 28, 2015
"Late have I loved you, O Beauty ever ancient, ever new, late have I loved you!...You called, you shouted, and you broke through my deafness. You flashed, you shone, and you dispelled my blindness. You breathed your fragrance on me; I drew in breath and now I pant for you. I have tasted you, now I hunger and thirst for more. You touched me, and I burned for your peace." -St Augustine, Confessions X:27 #WhyILoveStAugustine #TolleEtLege
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Happy Feast of St Augustine! Celebrated Mass with the Friars of the Immaculate this morning here in Naga City! #AveMaria #FFI
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Thursday, August 27, 2015
Weeds beware! My grass cutting day begins. #SnakeShredder #AdventureForTheDay
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Wednesday, August 26, 2015
"‘If we had lived in the days of our ancestors, we would not have joined them in shedding the prophets’ blood.’ Thus you bear witness against yourselves." Why does Jesus say this? Because someone who says, "I will not sin" or "I will never betray you Lord," is a liar, is not being honest with himself, not really humble about our sinfulness. This fundamental dishonest hypocrisy is the foundation of murdering prophets, hidden pride and self-righteousness. From all these evils, deliver us. Forgive us whitewashed sepulchers and blind guides. Make us humble as you are humble and faithful as you are faithful.
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Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Dragon fruit anyone? #ExoticFruitOfTheDay Anybody know health benefits? Tastes all nice 'n rare.
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Qué Pasa? #BicolMexFusion #Delicious #Masiramonon
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Monday, August 24, 2015
#SushiStop #Refuel #WhatsupWasabi
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Hey Nageños! Got Mass? Tonight (Monday) I will be the celebrant at San Francisco for the 5:30pm (english) and 6:30pm (Bicol) and tomorrow for the 12:15pm. See you there. #WatchMeWhipWatchMeNaeNae
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St Bartholomew, called Nathaniel, Christ saw, "under the fig tree." What does this mean? It is a Hebrew expression for someone who truly desired the coming of the Messiah, so the Savior in so describing him looked into his inmost heart, or "read his soul." That's why the apostle responded saying, "truly you are the Son of God," understanding in his very first encounter that Christ was indeed divine. May we desire Jesus Christ above all and in so seeking him find him.
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Sunday, August 23, 2015
Hail Mary before the game to conquer sin besides the opposing team. #WeWillRockYou #GoTeamBenedict
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Our intramurals this year have taught me that priestly accompaniment is much more than being a person's life coach or spiritual cheerleader, more than just showing where the foe is knocking them down, or what strategy is best to win, it is very boldly claiming, only through the grace and calling of God, to be the face of divine encouragement in someone's life, supplying that kindness and unceasing prayer that helps them overcome obstacles, hidden fears and presumptions, that are keeping them from conquering their real opponent, themselves. #GodIsAlive #GraceConquers #BringingHopeToMen
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Saturday, August 22, 2015
Happy Birthday Cuya Jay!
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At Naga school for the deaf run by Sisters of the Little Mission for the Poor.
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Team Francis vs. Team Benedict. Viva il Papa!
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Celebrated Mass of Our Lady's Queenship with the #FranciscanFriarsOfTheImmaculate this morning at the #Coredemptrix shrine.
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Friday, August 21, 2015
To prepare for sporting competition, with manly tribal face paint like Braveheart with unbridled youthful joy these young men marched through the streets crying out the names of 3 recent popes. I must say I do enjoy screaming out Pope Benedict's name, as it is my team. Viva Papa Benedetto!
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Are you ready to rumble? Intramural opening Mass will commence the competition between three teams.
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Thursday, August 20, 2015
3 years ago today, the feast of the Prophet St Samuel, Brother Richard Bunch died. RIP Eternal Rest grant unto him O Lord+++
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Guess who celebrates their birthday today?
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All you baby cobras praise the Lord. Methinks I don't want to meet mama cobra. #AdventureForTheDay #PhilippineCobra #3rdMostVenemousSnakeInTheWord #Ssssssssss
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One of our intramurals sports jerseys named after the Holy Father, Benedictus XVI. Other teams are Franciscus and Iohannes Paulus.
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Essay writing competition as part of our seminary intramurals. #BuwanNgWika
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Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Mga guapohon na seminarista
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When life hands you Papayas make Papaya ice cream #ExoticFoodForTheDay
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Termites hourly leave dust on the floor. The ceiling they've been eating is getting replaced in this priest's room. This time we are coating the beams with primer before sealing it back up. #ThanksBeToGod #PrayingForBenefactors
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Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Enjoying Purple Mangosteen from Davao. Really sweet and very delicious. #ExoticFoodForTheDay Beats the pig intestines mixed with cartilage I had for lunch.
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Monday, August 17, 2015
You are NOT going to believe where this coffee comes from!!! Ok so this wild cat eats berries, and ferments them in the digestion process, poops them out, they clean it and brew it. It normally costs up to $700/kilo (it is soooooo gooooood) but I'm drinking a superdelicious mug for only $1.60. #ExoticCatPoopCoffee #WelcomeToMyWorld #AdventureForTheDay
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Sunday, August 16, 2015
"Ako an tinapay nin buhay na hale sa langit." Salamat Kagurangnan, sa buhay nin gracia asin pakimaherak!
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Saturday, August 15, 2015
Praying for the evangelization of Bicol, and the upgrading of kilowatts for Radio Caritas Mariæ here in Naga City. At the Dinner Musicale for a cause tonight.
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#KalamansiJuice #LiverCleanse #WhatDoesntKillYouMakesYouStronger
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Friday, August 14, 2015
The miraculous image of Our Lady of Peñafrancia has arrived at our seminary.
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God uses the Blessed Virgin Mary's Assumption to inspire in us two things: 1. Desire for a holy and happy death, falling asleep in the Lord 2. Purity of body, since this body will be with God in eternity we ought to start take good care of it now. Happy Solemnity of her glorious Assumption, body and soul into heaven!
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15 years ago today was serving mass in #Assissi at #WorldYouthDay with Bishop Carlson and (now) Bishop Andrew Cozzens #FlashBackFriday #StMaximillianKolbe
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Thursday, August 13, 2015
God parted the Red Sea and stopped the waters of the Jordan to shows us that his grace brings us through the ocean of fallen humanity and halts the river of iniquity that may escape our enemy and enter the promise of his kingdom.
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Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Jesus teaches us about Gospel fraternal correction (Mt 18:15-20). It should be done: 1) After much prayer for him. 2) In private. 3) Rarely. 4) With discretion and tact. 5) It should be about grave, not minor things 1 Jn 5:16. 6) Enduring minor faults patiently greatly increase charity and are a spiritual work of mercy Col 3:13. 7) Yet charity and justice demand you point it out to your brother especially if it regards his salvation. 8) If no response inform the legitimate authority. 9) If omitted with regard to serious sins then the sins of the other are upon the authority's head. (Ez 33:8)
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Tuesday, August 11, 2015
"To Saint Philomena God Refuses nothing." - St John Vianney "Whatever you ask from her, she will obtain for you." -Pope Gregory XVI Happy feast day my dear friend.
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Unless you become a little child you can't be with God, cannot reign with him. Why? It's pretty obvious that God is like a child: open, trusting, innocent, happy, direct, sincere, fundamentally good and pure. So how to become that way? Child implies Father. Be Fathered by God and he will lead you to become simple and unassuming as he is. It is a path of abandoning the twisted, insincere, sophistry and cynicism that comes from bitter unforgiveness, a path of emptying oneself and becoming every moment more true. May our hearts be made new by his sweet Paternity.
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Selfie with mga #Gayon and #Guapo of Universidad de Santa Isabel
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“Gaze upon Him, consider Him, contemplate Him, as you desire to imitate Him.” - St. Clare of Assisi
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Monday, August 10, 2015
Most Reverend Rolando Tirona, Archbishop of Naga (Cacares) at alumni gathering #ArchbishopSelfie
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Saturday, August 8, 2015
Celebrating Sunday anticipated Mass here tonight. #NagaMetropolitanCathedral
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Translation contest. Write these Latin sentences in English. Ready, go! #After9WeeksOfLatin #AdsumDomine #GloriaDeoEtPaxHominibus
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Thursday, August 6, 2015
Imbalanced? Off-kilter? Anxious or angry without due reason? We are usually expected to hold two opposites in tension to maintain equilibrium: truth with mercy, anxious concern with patient trust, confidence with humility, charitable forbearance with just expectations. When we get off kilter and no longer can hold both at the same time we become emotionally imbalanced, irrationally preoccupied, overly anxious, expressing undue anger, disordered attachment to an opinion, theologically whacky, forgetting all humanity and commonplace respect i.e. "haters." What is the solution? The love of Jesus Christ in his Word and the Sacraments BALANCES us, allowing us to live and move in equilibrium and peace. Let go. Let God. Our Lady of equilibrium, pray for us!
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Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Jesus knew her heart. She knew how far she was willing to go to seek a favor from him- healing for her daughter, but she didn't know. And so, he tested her, like Gold in fire, like muscles carrying a load, like a mother bearing her children. Help us Lord, when we are tested. We don't know our limits or our true needs, but you do.
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Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Happy Feast day of St Jean Vianney, patron of all priests. Celebrating Mass at the altar of his relics in Ars, France using his chalice. Please pray for priests.
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It's a really delicious seafood dish she said. You'll love it she said. Meh. #AintNobodyGotTimeFoThat #ICantEven
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Today, the 8th anniversary of my perpetual promises of obedience, poverty, and chastity, I was able to visit Facendas da Esperança, (Farm of Hope) and celebrate Mass for the graduation of a young man celebrating one year of freedom from drug addiction and the beginning of a new life. What a beautiful gift of God!
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