
Monday, April 29, 2013

Rigorous Reforming the Church with St Catherine of Sienna: Stinky Cardinals, Lack of Faith, Contraceptive Culture

“If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world ablaze!”

St Catherine of Sienna contemplates finality and death

Listen to my homily on the Feast of St Catherine of Sienna, Co-Patroness of Europe:

If you have trouble listening, click here.

Readings for the day

from her Dialogues:

"Open the eye of your intellect, and gaze into Me, and you shall see the beauty of My rational creature. And look at those creatures who, among the beauties which I have given to the soul, creating her in My image and similitude, are clothed with the nuptial garment (that is, the garment of love), adorned with many virtues, by which they are united with Me through love. And yet I tell you, if you should ask Me, who these are, I should reply" (said the sweet and amorous Word of God) "they are another Myself, inasmuch as they have lost and denied their own will, and are clothed with Mine, are united to Mine, are conformed to Mine." 

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