
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Our Lady of Guadalupe Saves Us from Destroying Ourselves

This article appeared on Catholic Online

Listen to my homily of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe:

If you have trouble listening, click here.
Amalekites.  Not very nice people.  Sacrificed baby's to the god of darkness.  God sent Abraham to them to make them extinct.
Aztecs.  Also not too nice.  Sacrificed people by ripping their still-beating hearts out of their chests to placate the god of darkness, Tezcatlipoca.  For one feast they sacrificed  atop of the great pyramid of Tenaochtitlan 80,000 people in three days with a line of victims stretching 2 miles long.  God sent his Mother to them to save them from extinction.
Today is the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  It commemorates the apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary to a little native man, Saint Juan Diego, of the Aztec people.
Her coming to the Aztecs heralded the conversion of over 10 million people in a few years.
In a few decades the people that were a waring culture, intent on conquering different tribes of peoples to find more victims for sacrifice, had become peace loving and God fearing and had replaced human sacrifice with the Holy Sacrifice of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.
We need her again today.
Italy.  France.  Spain.  They will all be extinct in two hundred years.  These traditionally Catholic cultures are literally contracepting themselves into extinction.
It is a demographic fact (each couple has 1.39 children) that they will no longer exist if they continue to sacrifice their children to the devil with contraception and its result - decriminalized abortion.
With such a drastically low population rate they will undoubtedly disappear like the Amalekites because they kill their own children.
They need the Mother of God.  Now.
Today, I will be standing outside an abortuary here in England holding an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, praying peacefully the Rosary, begging the Mother of God to obtain once again, the conversion of millions from murdering their own children on the temple of convenience to the god of darkness.
We need to beg the Holy Mother of God to intervene in human history and save us from destroying ourselves.  It was she who conceived and bore the Savior of the human race, and she continues to bring Him again and again mercifully into different historical situations.
To not act is itself an action.  It is a grave omission, a decision to ignore the mass murdering of our generation.  We must all do our part, or face the ensuing disaster for our inaction.
May the Virgin of Guadalupe, who is the patroness not only of the pro-life movement, but also the patroness of the New Evangelization, obtain for mankind once again, the end of a culture of death with the dawning of a culture of life.

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