
Monday, November 26, 2012

Jesus Makes Himself Vulnerable in the Host, Giving All that We Might Give Him All in Return

Listen to my homily for today:

If you have trouble listening, click here.

Most of us keep something back.  We are afraid to give all. St Maximillian Kolbe said that sanctity is giving that final exception back to God.  The widow gave all, but who is the One who truly gives all.  It is Jesus.  Just as the widow gave her all by giving a tiny penny, so Jesus gives a tiny host, and in doing so gives us his Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity.  This is God's plan so that you and I can give all.  We are afraid to surrender so Jesus comes down to earth at every Mass and surrenders his all to us giving us strength to overcome our fears and vanity so that we can give him everything.

Mary, the Mother of God surrendered all to God.  May her prayers and intercession help us to do the same

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