
Monday, October 1, 2012

St Thérèse, Doctor for our Times, Helps Heal the Unloved Souls

Today is the Feast of St Thérèse, Virgin and Doctor of the Church.

Listen to my homily for today:

If you have trouble listening click here.

The terrible wound of people of our times is that they feel so desperately unloved and experience themselves as unlovable.  So what does God do?  He sends us a doctor of the Church.  This little saint, who died when she was only 24, is anything but small in the great Love of God.  Her simple doctrine can help souls understand the supreme Love of God the Father for them personally, tenderly, and infinitely.  Here are three parts to her little way:

Littleness - to be little in the eyes of God and do little things with great love.

Sacrifice - to fight self-will and self-preoccupation by offering tiny sacrifices all day, especially smiling at others you find difficult to smile at.

Abandonement to God's Love - to take whatever Jesus gives and give whatever he takes.

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