
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Christ Comes to Free us from Vanity, Fear, and Egoism

Vanity of Vanities!  All is vanity!

Listen to my homily for the day:

If you have trouble listening, click here.

Like King Herod, our sinful nature would have us rule like a tyrant on a throne of egoism and all the vanity that it brings.  Herod couldn't even open himself to the idea that maybe Christ was not one of the prophets come back but actually the prophesied messiah.  Jesus visits us in the midst of our own tyranny, dethroning us from our own self-importance and self-love to reveal that he is the fulfillment of man's deepest longings, the very Love of God incarnate.

There are three things that help us break out of this world of vanity: prayer, love, and suffering.  The holy Cross of Jesus stands as the sign of the Love of God and of turning away from self to find peace.

May the holy example and prayers of St Vincent de Paul, whose feast we celebrate today, and of Our Lady, the Mother of Divine Love, help us to be rooted in Christ.

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