
Monday, April 2, 2012

Choose Jesus and Anoint Him for He Has Chosen and Anointed You

Listen to my homily for today:

If you have trouble listening click here.
Readings of mass for today.

Jesus has chosen you.  In doing so, "he who created the heavens and spread them out, who gave shape to the earth and what comes from it, who gave breath to its people and life to the creatures that move in it,"  bestows on you all the gifts described in the first reading.  He not only "opens the eyes of the blind," and "frees captives from prison and those who live in darkness from the dungeon," but he "appoints you as covenant of the people and light of the nations."  Such a rich inheritance is mightily overwhelming.  In return we are indebted to choose Jesus, to give him all of our gifts as he has richly endowed us.

Mary Magdalene is a sign of the Church.  Redeemed and gifted by Christ with undeserved gifts, graces, and blessings, she gives him the costly ointment of all of her temporal riches.  As her hair wiping his feet was the sign of the deepest part of her womanhood, the Church offers to Christ the deepest sacrifice of her inmost heart, her all.  Unworthy do we approach the feet of the Redeemer, his lowliest part, to give back to him that which he gave to us.

This anointing prepared Jesus for sacrificing himself on the Cross.  From this point on, his Sacred Humanity was consumed in the fires of divine charity for the redemption of all mankind.  So we should also be consumed this week in a spirit of interior recollection, praise, adoration, thanksgiving, reparation, blessing, intercession, and worship of the Christ, our God.

The Immaculate Virgin Mother of God's Heart was ablaze too with the desire to offer herself in union with him.  We ask her to pull us close as she did with the beloved disciple that we may not flee the ignominy of the Cross, but faithfully stand firm in test and trial to witness the great love of God made man.

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