
Monday, November 14, 2011

An Investment in Divine Charity

The Holy Church of God can be compared to a diligent and wise wife, which we read about in the first reading for Mass today on this 33rd Sunday in Ordinary time.  She works constantly for the increase of the riches of the home.  The greatest work, reward, and treasure of the Church is divine charity, and the wool and flax she spins are for the garments of the children of the Church in holy Baptism.  Yet the Church, and each member who makes up the Church will have to make an accounting to the Lord for the investment he has given us.

Listen to my homily for today:

If you have trouble listening click here.

At first glance most people think of the talents Jesus spoke about to be kind of abilities or gifts, be they natural or spiritual, with which he has given them.  While this is true, and we must develop the gifts given to us for the upbuilding of the Kingdom of God, we must remember the greatest treasure of heaven, its currency, is charity.  At the end of our lives Jesus will ask us for a return of the quality of our charity, how much we have loved one another as he has loved us.  This will be the measure of our lives.  We can understand what this looks like only when we gaze upon Christ crucified, the supreme model and source of charity.

The commandments of God reveal to us the dimensions of this love and the Sacraments help to begin, increase, repair, or sanctify the presence of this divine love.  Each person may grow in the capacity to enjoy the eternal beatitude and enjoyment of divine charity.  All in heaven are full with the fullness of God, but some are capable of enjoying more of the Lord since they labored on earth to constantly open themselves more to the Lord's kindness and blessings.

May Our Lady help us to receive the Lord in holy communion worthily and well, that we may grow and abound in the life of divine charity.

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