
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

St Aenswythe and the Power of the Holy Name of Mary

St Aenswythe was the granddaughter of the first Christian King of Kent, St Aethelbert, who was baptized by St Augustine of Canterbury in 601. She was known for her life of prayer, study of the sacred Scriptures, for working miracles, and for founding the first monastic community of women in England. She died in 640, but her witness remains highly relevant today.

Listen to my homily for today:

If you have trouble listening click here.

She was part of a royal family and her conversion shows the importance that evangelization must involve the heads of state and of culture. It is not enough for just the people to be moved.

The greatest authority is Our Lady, Queen and Mistress of the heavenly
court of angels, no name other than the Name of Jesus is greater. Under the power of the Name of Mary, which is really a special way of proclaiming the Holy Name of Jesus Christ with greater reverence, confidence and love than we may ever be able to utter, the New Evangelization must also be made pertinent to the current heads of state and of culture. However the first thing that must happen is that we must rid ourselves of the doubt that this is truly possible or the plan of God. For if the heads of society are converted the body will follow.

May the holy Name of Mary bring forth a harvest of evangelization of the Nation of England and of all the nations under heaven.

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