
Friday, September 2, 2011

The Corrected Translation of the Mass - Lift Up Your Hearts 1st in 4 Part Catechesis

This Sunday, we begin in our parish, a four-part catechesis on the corrected translation of the Mass. The Readings for Mass point out that we must elevate our hearts. The new translation helps us to be lifted up to the Lord.

Listent to my homily this Sunday.

If you have trouble listening, click here.

The Bishop of Leeds, Bishop Arthur Roche, who is the chairman of the International Commission for English in the Liturgy (ICEL) says this about the corrected translation of the Mass that we will begin using September 4th in England and Wales:

“In the new translation we find a text that is more faithful to the Latin text and therefore a text which is richer in its theological content and allusions to the scriptures but also a translation which, I believe, will move people’s hearts and minds in prayer.”
Why did they ever translate the mass in a way that was not accurate?  Good question.  To give them the benefit of the doubt, they thought they would be helping the people enter into the Liturgy more fruitfully, but time has taught us a lesson, that when we empty the riches of the mystery of Christ, we keep people from a more potent and inebriating contact with his divine Majesty, so necessary for elevating people beyond themselves.

The corrected translation says to us, BE ELEVATED! Lift up your hearts! Be transformed in the renewal of your mind. Do not be conformed to the spirit of this age.

May the prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of the Roman Liturgy, pray for us and the whole Church, that we may not fail to drink deeply of the riches of Christ.

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