
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Adoration of God is Spiritual Warfare and the Glory of the Angles

Today is the Feast of the Glorious Archangels, Sts Michael, Rafael, Gabiel, and the other four unnamed that stand before the throne of God offering the prayers of the holy ones and who guard and guide the life of the Church on earth. In today's readings for Mass, we are taught that Christ is the King of Angels and that they help us to worship the Lord with humility and faith.

Listen to my homily for today delivered at the Marist convent Mass:

If you have trouble listening, click here.

Disciples should try to imitate the holy angels in different respects:

-Being Christ centered. Bringing all peoples to worship, adore, bless, and glorify Jesus Christ.

-Being invisible and desiring to be utterly forgotten, that they remember not my face, name, or presence but the Face of Christ, the Name of Jesus, the Presence of the Lord.

-Being innocent and pure in the sight of God, remaining sinless and holy in our conduct and behavior.

-Letting the victory of Jesus Christ be made present in spiritual warfare by humbling ourselves constantly before the majesty and glory of God.

May Our Lady, Queen of the angelic host, friend of St Michael and the Archangels, teach us how to worship and adore her divine Son.

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